One of the most cultural enriching attractions in the city of Chittagong is the Ethnological Museum. It is a museum that preserves the past, but also grows and develops, as the people of Bangladesh evolve, and is therefore documenting the present, for future generations to look back and reflect on. The Ethnological Museum is one of the most specialized museums in Bangladesh and is a symbol of unity and progress. It is here where all the tribes of Bangladesh, past and present come together, to educate the public and promote understanding and tolerance of each other.
Inside the Ethnological Museum, visitors will be taken through the ages, discovering the development of the twelve tribes in Chittagong and the twenty nine ethnic groups that are found in Bangladesh. The eleven galleries in the museum bring these tribes to life through breathtaking paintings, models, environment reconstruction, maps, photographs and a variety of items. Each display has a plaque that describes the tribes and gives background information to explain the exhibit to visitors. Some of the items on display include weaponry, vases, weaving, clothing, boats, scissors, bamboo pipes, wooden shelves, and ornaments. The museum has also extended itself to tribes that are located in India, Australia and in Pakistan. The Ethnological Museum is therefore a comprehensive look into the people of Bangladesh and how each tribe used to live, play and practice traditions. It also documents the growth and development of the people of Bangladesh and will continue to enhance their exhibits as these tribes head towards the future.